Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Here are some of the first photos ever of the new baby wadsworth!
The doctor says everything is looking good, Jen and the baby are doing great!

We'll try and get some more scans up soon!
Tal, Jen & Baby

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What a Cute Talin

Here's a few pictures of Talin opening up our new Dyson! We were so excited to get it!! My favorite thing is coming home and finding that Tal has vacuumed the whole house. He loves to tell me how many times he had to go empty the canister because of all the cat hair....ewwww! =) Thanks so much Maridawn for this awesome vacuum!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Awesome Blog!

Thanks for setting up this awesome blog Erin and Matt!  The pictures are great.  I love the 50's costumes at the reunion.  How fun!!  Here's a picture we took tonight...Tal got a new shirt! Sorry that it's not the best quality. =)